In the spirit of eventually moving my music artist website platform away from using Wordpress, I’ve been playing around different ways to implement my favorite visual features from the landing landing page: a rounded divider as such:
Here’s what it looks like lower on the page:
Looks like a simple enough challenge, but I added an extra layer of challenge: trying to come up with an elegant solution that would allow two sections side-by-side to support having background images, while staying responsive and using pure CSS.
Here were the terms of this challenge:
Here are a couple iterations of the problem and solutions I came up with on Codepen
Here’s my solution on Codepen, which uses a custom path: https://codepen.io/elvann/pen/gOBrRWx
If you want to try it yourself you can use this project as a starting point: https://codepen.io/elvann/pen/WNaQKNa