Audrey Downey - Designer full-stack developer
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Mies ja Lintu / Pekka Astala's Dev Portfolio Website

Mies ja Lintu Portfolio Website

About this project

Branding & portfolio website development & design made with with NexJS

About this Project

Portfolio design & development for Mies ja Lintu Oy/Pekka Astala, Senior web developer. My tasks for this project included:

  • Branding & Brand Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • Web Design
  • Web Development (NextJS)

The goal for this project was to remake Pekka’s current website that’s using a generic template to something more personable and customized, and help his website showcase his personality & interests while staying layed back and professional. The client wanted his bird to be a center-piece of his brand, and having a cheeky twist to it. The client really wanted the website to stand out and help his brand be memorable in the eyes of future clients or employers.

Fun Facts

  • The feathers sread accross the website are from Utu: they were manually scanned and uploaded.
  • The project was truly a challenge in terms of responsiveness, but turned out to work fantastically on all device sizes

Plans & Future Updates

As I’m writing this (March 9th 2024) the website is not yet finished. Here are some of the remaining tasks:

  • Animations/Interactions
  • Robot.txt & Sitemap
  • Finishing up modals
  • Content writing